What Are Common HOA Violations?

If a resident does not comply with homeowner association (HOA) guidelines, they can receive fines, legal action, and even liens against their property. HOAs make and enforce rules and restrictions in subdivisions, planned communities, and condominiums. Generally, membership is mandatory, and HOA members are required to pay dues to pay for services and maintenance of common areas.
HOAs are largely beneficial. They help keep neighborhoods, clean, safe, and well-maintained. That is good for community pride and property values.
While specific guidelines vary depending on the association, most HOAs share similar restrictions.
HOAs can specify when to put out and bring in waste bins for collection and how to dispose of certain kinds of garbage. For example, they may require cardboard boxes to be broken down and large pieces of furniture to be disposed of only in community dumpsters.
Most HOAs follow local guidelines for permissible noise levels in their community. Some enforce additional restrictions to prohibit loud noise late at night and early in the morning.
Residents who do not clean up after their dogs or allow them to run around off-leash create a safety and health hazard for others. HOA rules address these violations and can even limit the number and/or breed of animals allowed in their community.
Residents in HOA communities often have rules about the color, material, and location of fencing permitted on their property. This is usually to maintain a certain aesthetic throughout the neighborhood.
Residents who do not keep up with cutting the grass, pruning shrubs, and getting rid of weeds may receive a notice of violation. Residents should check their bylaws to confirm what types and sizes of plants and trees are permitted in their community.
Exterior Décor
In many HOAs, the homes look alike. They often share a complimentary color scheme and architecture. That is not a coincidence. If a resident wants to paint their home, install landscaping, or add exterior décor, they may need HOA approval.
Exterior Storage
HOAs can also stipulate how and where residents store patio furniture, bicycles, toys, gardening equipment, and other items around their home. Sheds and other outdoor structures may need approval and are typically required to be located behind the property or at least out of view from the street.
Parking and Vehicles
Parking and extra vehicles are another common HOA violation. In many communities, commercial trucks, boats, and RVs are not permitted in the driveway or street. Condominium associations generally have designated and visitor parking and are vigilant about enforcing these rules to ensure there is plenty of room for everyone.
Renting Property
The HOA may not permit a resident to rent or sublet all or part of their home. This is primarily for insurance reasons. In some communities, insurance depends on the ration of owners to renters. Unapproved renters can jeopardize this insurance.
Ocean City HOA Lawyers at Oliveri & Larsen Resolve HOA and Condominium Association Disputes
If you need legal help with your HOA, consult one of our Ocean City HOA lawyers at Oliveri & Larsen. Put our skills and knowledge to work for you. Call us at 410-295-3000 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today. Located in Annapolis, Maryland, we represent clients in Ocean City, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Calvert County, Harford County, Howard County, Queen Anne’s County, St. Mary’s County, Worcester County, Kent County, and the upper and lower Eastern Shores of Maryland.