Who Is Responsible for Water Damage in My Apartment?

When you are living in an apartment, the person who is liable for any water damage that takes place in and around your apartment can vary, depending upon the circumstances. Water damage can be the most destructive damage a renter can experience. It can be devastating and permanent. It can rot walls, ruin family heirlooms, and cause your apartment to become unlivable.
The financial impact of the water damage could be severe, as you not only have to replace anything that was damaged, but potentially find a new place to live. You should not need to carry this burden on your own. A lawyer can help you file a claim against the liable party.
In most instances, the landlord will be responsible for any water damage that you sustain on your property. They maintain the utilities for the building, including the water. They make sure that there are no problems with the pipes.
If a landlord does not fulfill their basic obligations to perform routine maintenance on the utilities, those utilities could fail, causing several problems for those living in the building. A buildup of water within the walls can lead to the development of mold, which can cause respiratory problems for some renters. It could also lead to other damage that could slowly weaken the integrity of walls, ceilings, and even floors.
Not all water damage can be traced back to the landlord. There are certain instances when the renter themselves can be held liable for water damage. These instances occur when the renter has demonstrated negligence in how they are maintaining their own apartment.
There are instances when water damage can be caused by someone other than you. It could be either your roommate or another tenant living in an apartment nearby.
What Should I Be Looking for in My Lease?
It is important that your thoroughly read over your lease to determine you and your landlord’s responsibilities. If possible, you should have a lawyer look over the lease to be sure that it is fair and equitable. They can also explain the details.
When looking over your lease, be sure to read up on sections that pertain to water damage. The landlord may have the right to evict you if your apartment has sustained some or complete water damage. At the same time, find out what rights you have to withhold your rent or cancel your lease altogether if your apartment suffers any water damage.
Find out how much damage the apartment must sustain to allow you the option to break your lease. You should also learn if there are any penalties associated with the landlord evicting you.
Annapolis Real Estate Lawyers at Oliveri & Larsen Hold Negligent Parties Accountable for Water Damage
If you have sustained water damage in your apartment, you should not have to worry about the financial ramifications of that damage. One of our experienced Annapolis real estate lawyers at Oliveri & Larsen can help. Call us at 410-295-3000 or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation today. Located in Annapolis, Maryland, we serve clients in Ocean City, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Calvert County, Harford County, Howard County, Queen Anne’s County, St. Mary’s County, Worcester County, Kent County, and the upper and lower Eastern Shores of Maryland.